Monday, October 22, 2012

Have i ever told,,, if i really am affraid to start a new relationship again?????

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Am i deserve???

I don't think i am.... In my age, everything that i dream about are just flew away... I don't even have a chance for everything i want to be... That's why i hate myself... Why i never had any confidenfe myself....Why i so stupid??? Now since everything has change... And all of my dream are gone, all that will stay forever in my life is just a regret...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Weird Confession....

This really is weird...(It's Totally Weird)

I fell in love..... (I know falling in Love is not Weird), but I fell in love to someone who doesn't even know that I'm exist in this world, i fell in love to someone who is really Great and really hard to reach.... i fell in love to someone who has a different world from me (Of course he is Human... lol...) but we're just like sky and earth,,,, I fell in love to someone that i don't even deserve to fell in love with,,, he's too high, he is too famous, and he is too perfect,,,

But Hey... there is nothing is impossible in this world 1-100 maybe i still have 0,001 % chance to get him.
I know i'm weird, but just believe that he will know it someday, somewhere, i don't know... :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just Ordinary

I'm Just an Ordinary Girl,
A lil bit Tomboy, Love Rock, and Watching Movies (My DVD Collections)

I Love Music Because

Let me tell you why i love to listening to music so much??

- Why I love Music :
  • Because music is my best friend,
  • I have no one but music who always listen to me,
  • Everybody doesn't like making friends with me,
  • Music is my trash can,
  • Since i have no friends to hang out with,
  • My room is my place to hang out and music is my hang out friend :)
  • Eventhough nobody likes me, but when i sing, i could forget that matter for a while,
  • I can't sleep without listening to the music,
I'd like to thank to everyone who creating a great music, and thank's to the music itself, because without you, i might not standing until now, and i may not have a dream..... thank you so much....

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Confession

What was it called? Depression?
Oh...I'll tell you something about me...
and, here we go...
Hey... it's about me....
I sometimes get mad suddenly
I don't even know why, that's all just happened suddenly...
I just feel so insecure with myself
Feels like no one understand me..
I know if i'm stubborn, sucks, childish selfish or anything bad that people think about me,
I just actually need someone who can understand me..
Sometimes it feels better, when you got mad to yourself, you just hurt your body,
but i know it's not right,
but sometimes and sometimes, it could make you feel better,
or screaming, or singing, or crying....
I don't know what is better....

Oh that's all i think...

Thank you.... xD hahaha